July 2005 - Live 8, Rome, Italy


Once more the time had come for a number of almost-forgotten artists to try and boost their CD sales with a number of free concerts in the name of raising awareness (yes, awareness, not even money - 'We don't want your money, we want your vote!', was the slogan) of the fact that there are people starving in Africa. I was one of 500.000 people at the show in Rome and saw only one black person (an Egyptian) attending the concert. Obviously he had the right to be grateful to the Romans in the name of all Africans (I'm not sure whether he asked them). It was noteworthy though that every other foreigner I spoke to during my stay in Rome complained about how racist the Romans were.

Personally I have my doubts about acquitting all African countries' foreign debts, mainly because not all poor countries are in Africa. Beside, the problem with poor countries is often that the country itself would not be so poor if the wealth was better distributed by the government. Giving this 'present' to the governments will probably make the differences in poor countries even bigger, as the extra money will disappear into the deepest pockets.

However I am very happy that an awareness is starting that making poor countries richer makes rich countries richer as well, which could lead to a 'world without hunger' within the next 20 years or so. Acquiring 'cheap' products from 'underpaid' workers in poor countries is in my view one of the best ways to help.

Anyway, His Holyness Bono sees things differently, and He should know. Although I did start feeling a little sick when he exclaimed the 'War on Terror' as one of the big achievements of our society. As we all know because of this war that can't be waged every day lots of innocent people die in countries like Afghanistan and Iraq.

Feed Africa and bomb the rest of the poor?







Other Photos of the Month:



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